Fashion Trends from the 1960s, Today

Fashion Trends from the 1960s

Here at The Vintage Pattern Shop, we’ve previously offered a history of fashion in the 1960s and shown you the range of patterns we have available for this decade. Today we’re going to highlight some of the key trends you might see this summer that takes inspiration from the swinging sixties. Pleats and Pockets It […]

Vintage Sewing Patters: 1980s Revival

1980s Urban Fashion Trends

The 1980s is known for being big and bold in every way – hair, shoulder pads, bright colours and bold patterns. It can be a challenge to pull off the style of the 1980s, but with our vintage patterns, it’s possible to take the best elements of the decade and put your own modern twist […]

The Hippie Chic, Glam Rock, Disco and Punk Era

1970s Revival: Vintage Sewing Patterns Whilst previous eras were very much about following fashion and being on trend, the 1970s was about rebellion, breaking rules and putting your own spin on the trademark pieces. It was all about individuality, and how you wore staple items such as mini-skirts and bell-bottoms. The silhouette that was in […]

1940s Wedding Fashions

Rationing and World War II had a huge effect on fashion and wedding attire during the 1940s. The ‘Make Do & Mend’ campaign by the government led to a flourish of creativity by the fashion conscious women affected by the rationing. When it came to weddings women often made their own dresses using fabric not […]

Vintage Sewing Patterns: 1940s Revival

1940s Revival

As with every era, the 1940s featured a particular silhouette that women could create through their clothing. During this decade, it was popular to have wide padded shoulders, contrasted with a nipped-in waist. Full hips were accentuated with clothing in order to achieve the hourglass look. During and after the Second World War, clothing was […]

Vintage Sewing Patterns: 1960s Revival

1960s: Kings Road, London

Fashion in the 1960s very much reflected the social justice movements that were happening at the time, breaking out of many previous fashion trends. Whilst the early 1960s were more conservative and classic in their style and design, they later became the precise opposite. Bright colours and psychedelic tie-dye swirls were all the rage, with […]

Vintage Sewing Patterns: 1930s Revival

Vintage Sewing Patterns 1930s Revival

In the 1930s, women’s fashion saw a lot of changes, sparked by The Great Depression. Low economy meant that women were looking for ways to save money and look good, and it was during this time that factory-made clothes became more popular that tailor-made outfits. Less expensive fabrics were more common, such as cotton, and […]

Vintage Sewing Patterns: 1950s Revival

1950s vintage patterns

Known as the fabulous fifties, this post-war era had a positive energy, increased economic prosperity, and a ‘baby boom’. It is also considered a time where the concept of a teenager was born, meaning fashions were developed with youth culture in mind. Today we will look at 1950s fashions and the vintage sewing patterns we have, so you can recreate these styles for yourself.

Vintage Sewing Patterns: Transform Your Wardrobe the Vintage Way

Transform Your Wardrobe the Vintage Way

There’s something so romantic about vintage fashion and the way it can bring glimpses of a lost time into the present day. Luckily for the fashion geeks among us, none of the killer looks from the past are ever entirely lost! Vintage styles are always coming back into fashion to the point where certain prints such as floral and gingham have become timeless statements in the fashion world.