At The Vintage Pattern Shop, in the pursuit of finding our fashion loving customers the most beautiful vintage patterns, we have an ever changing collection available. We know that sometimes you may be looking for specific vintage patterns for sale. We have therefore created a brand-new page to bring to your attention all of the newly listed vintage sewing patterns for sale on our website.

The pursuit of fashion, new and old creates an obsession all of its own.  Even fashion designers, trying to create new and beautiful fashions and garments to add to the hall of fame, find a joy in collecting and celebrating fashions of the past.  This can be seen in throughout fashion in the 1900s.  Here are some examples:

The circle skirt is most famously associated with the late 40s and 50s otherwise recognised as the rock n roll era.  The circle skirt is thus named because, as it is made from one piece of fabric with a piece cut out in the middle for the waist, when laid flat is forms a circle.  With the waistband siting central it is flared so that as it drapes and falls it looks slim fitting but full.  These iconic skirts were famously worn with a layered petticoat underneath that helped the skirt stand out swishing beautifully as you move and dance.

However, how many realise that the idea behind the circle skirt appeared first in the 1890s during the Victorian period.  Rather than being knee length, it was still quintessentially Victorian, being floor-length in order to keep the ankles covered.

Circle skirts have since made another comeback since the 1950s, and are now better known as the skater skirt.  The name here is derived from the ‘A’ line look that professional skaters have when they dress for the rink.

Today sewing patterns, vintage and modern, can be found everywhere in the fashion world incorporating this flattering style of skirt.

Audrey Hepburn had such an impact on the fashion world, that today when we see certain styles and fashions, we can be forgiven for associating it with her.  Givenchy, styled a lot of clothing for Hepburn, in and out of the movie community.  Such was her style and elegance that it lent itself to the iconic style and genius that was his legacy. Dresses such as the ones worn by Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany’s as she played the strange, but oddly compelling character Holly Golightly, have become a symbol of the fashion of the times.

However, certain lines and cuts that appear in the wardrobe of the Hollywood star were often a collection of styles created decades before.  For example, the boat neck, which consists of a straight line cut high up across the collar bone area, was first on the fashion scene during the 1920s and can be seen on what were known as ‘flapper’ dresses.

These wonderful creations can now be seen throughout the world of vintage patterns. Sewing them, is a privilege, and means that these fashions will appear and reappear for generations to come.  Thankfully!